HAILS! Welcome ALL Users :D

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What's the meaning of life:

"we're born we live we learn we
love we give birth to the next generation
we pass on our wisdom we die to become
a legend, legends NEVER DIE"

HELLO ALL USERS! Welcome to FAMILY's Site thanks for the support to sign up now enjoy read the forum to know where we hail from and where to begin 

Admin:: enjoy the site check the *games *
add our
Admin:: @AmizAussieGirl1989 :)
and Moderator:: @Vengeance :P

**updates commence please subscribe to our forums helps to stay informed

Admin and Moderator will be adding:: *live-chat soon that can also be accessed via app's on Andriod and Google/Play**

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Upon "SignUp" ALL "Exclusive Content/s" Unlocked that includes:
colour-text/image/gif/video-uploads/Forum posts/pm's/pokes/status posts/guestbook/adding peeps/games/live chat (coming soon)